Rabu, 18 September 2013

Fact about Asthma

Yeaaahhh , according to the title at the top of this time I will present the facts about asthma , FACT itself according KBBI ( Big Indonesian Dictionary ) is " case ( situation , events ) which is a reality , something that really exists or occurs " so that we discuss the facts about asthma is that it actually occurs in patients with asthma .What is it ? We just let's consider the following facts about asthma : 
fact 1• WHO estimates that about 300 million people suffer from asthma . As many as 255,000 people died of asthma in 2005 . 
fact 2• Death due to asthma increased by almost 20 % in the next 10 years if no action has been made ​​. Asthma can not be cured , but with proper diagnosis , treatment and patient education can provide good results in controlling asthma . 
fact 3• Asthma occurs in all countries regardless of the level of development of the country . More than 80 % of deaths due to asthma occur in countries with low and middle incomes . For effective control , it is important to get the proper treatment and is quite affordable , especially for low-income families . 
fact 4• Asthma is a chronic disease characterized by recurrent attacks of shortness of breath and breath sounds ( wheezing / wheezing ) with the severity and frequency of different in each person . 
fact 5• Asthma symptoms can occur several times a day or a week in patients . In some people , symptoms get worse with physical activity or at night . Inability to recognize and avoid triggers can cause airway compromised , and can lead to life-threatening asthma attacks , respiratory failure and even death . 
fact 6• appropriate treatment such as use of inhaled corticosteroids to relieve bronchial inflammation can reduce mortality due to asthma . 
fact 7• Asthma is the most chronic disease affecting children . However, asthma can be controlled through prevention and treatment are planned based on the symptoms experienced by the individual . 
fact 8• The greatest risk factor in the causes of asthma are allergens such as house dust mites in the home that are in bed , carpets and furniture ; pollution and animal dander , allergens such as pollen outdoors ; cigarette smoke and chemicals in the workplace . 
fact # 9• asthma triggers may include cold air , extreme emotions such as anger or fear , and physical exercise . 
fact 10• Asthma is generally frequent misdiagnosis or incorrect treatment , which can cause a burden to individuals and families as well as limiting the activities of individuals during life . 

Other Facts About Asthma :Asthma is caused by stress• psychological disorders can indeed cause a person has shortness of breath or asthma . However , please note that this is not a major cause of asthma . 
Asthma can be cured• It is a fact that is not entirely true . Throughout the medical sciences , there is no cure that really able to eliminate asthma . Drugs given by doctors is merely a temporary treatment . There is still a chance of asthma would recur . 
Asthma is a contagious disease• Obviously , this is the wrong facts . You probably will not catch asthma simply because being around people who suffer from asthma . It also will not happen even if you make physical contact . 
Prohibited from exercising asthmatics• In fact if you have asthma , you should exercise . Mild exercise such as jogging or swimming quite advisable for asthmatics . With regular intensity , exercise will help you improve your breathing .Well , maybe a bit of information about asthma facts can be beneficial to you . Hopefully the myths that developed in the community and are considered strange answer in the above article may be useful.

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