Kamis, 17 Oktober 2013

Use Case Blog

Hello, How are you today?? hi meets again with me... This time, I wants to explain about use case... Use case already Dian makes while lecturing carry on business elektrolis yesterday's week...  Previously have available one knows haven't hit Use Case that what?? Haven't?? Are you really dont kown anything about Use Case?? Okay, I will explain about Use Case that what? and its utility for what??  

 Use Case Blog's Image

A use case analysis is the most common technique used to identify the requirements of a system (normally associated with software/process design) and the information used to both define processes used and classes (which are a collection of actors and processes) which will be used both in the use case diagram and the overall use case in the development or redesign of a software system or program. The use case analysis is the foundation upon which the system will be built.
Use case is diagram figures fungsionalitas that expected of one system. One that is emphasized is “ what ” one be built by system, and is not “ how ”. One use case explain one interaction among actor with system. Use case constitutes one given work,logs in to system, create one shopping list. A actor is one entitas man or machine that gets interaction with system to do particular works. (Wahono, R. S,  2003) .
Use case is diagram can really help if we are arranging requirement one system, comunication is design with client, and designs case's test for all feature whatever available on system. One use case can included by more than one use case any other, so duplication fungsionalitas can be avoided by draws out fungsionalitas that common. 
One use case that extend use case can also any other with behaviour its own. While generalizing relationship among use case points out that use case the one constitutes specialization of another one.

  • Actor: system user / something that gets interaction with explain system orders, are not wearing individual.  
  • Use case: purposes specific trick system by actor. 
  • < <include>  , which is deportment which shall be accomplished that one event can happen, where on this condition one use case is part of use case another.  
  • < <extends>> , deportment that just walking under condition of particular as moves alarm. 
  • Generalization, called also inheritance (endowment), one element gets to constitute specialization of another element. 
  • Association, linking link among element.  

Use case manage profile's image

Now you have known that Use Case's cannikin what.. After knows Use Case that what now I will word about use case already I make week yesterday..  Yesterday I have made usecase about blog this.. First from User 1 and User 2 both all the same personations myself that gets to do everything to blog this.. This here, User can do manage profile user its own..
While is manage profile, user can entry profile new, update profile so long and delete profile. Entry our profile just fills in form already being provided by blog that. If inlay fault happening profile we can click switch edit profile on blog. And if wants to remove many profile that doesn't want post to public on blog, we just get to edit profile then erases profile wants obliterate then we can click switch save. That is explan to manage profile blog.

use case manage article's image

User can also manage posting article that wants post to public. While is manage article, user can entry new article, update long time article, and delete article already we post before. Entry article first we click new post, blog will provide sheet of paper for our place write that article. We can choose writing type, writing measure and writing color. After at writes its article then click knobbed save or post. If we want to edit already we post in advance we just double click that article then switch click edits then typing what do want to be editted then switch click save or post. If we want to delete article already we post in advance we just double click that article, then rights click to choose delete. 
                Besides entry new article, update long time article, and delete article already we post before. We can also entry comment, update comment and delete comment on article. One that sees our blog even gets entry comment, update comment and delete comment. While entry comment we just write komen at form already being provided by blog.

use case manage template's image

Besides gets manage article and manage profile we that manage template can also what do want we use. We can entry new template, update so long template or delete even existing template. While entry template new we get to click switch template you can choose template already been provided. Or wants to own make you just click edit HTML template is entry after that code tempalte already looks for at Google after that clicks save. If wants update or delete tempalte you do step as upon.

use case manage layout's image

             We that manage layout blog can also what do we make. Menage layout blog just can get to edit layout. By layout click then its position move given up by we are click afterwards save.

use case login's image

                 While is we manage all that we that log in shall beforehand. Log in shall can accord password and username. So we shall log in before can just do that above.  

use case appl for google adsense’s image

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